Looking for the perfect kitten(s)

My family had various pets growing up - bunnies, guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas. We never had cats even though I wanted a “Sheba cat” more than anything in the world. My mom thought cats were creepy and too high-maintenance. The early 90’s Sheba commercials that I loved so much she thought were disgusting. Serving cat food on a plate when there are millions of starving people in the world? Yuck. Nevertheless, I continued dreaming about one day having a Sheba cat, i.e. a blue British Shorthair (BSH) cat.

Once I had my own apartment in my early 20’s, I decided it was time to make this dream a reality. I was pretty clueless about the process and had to do a lot of research. I learned that breeding British Shorthairs, or any pure-bred animals, is a heavily regulated thing in Switzerland. There were official directories with approved breeders. Most of them had been around for so long they didn’t even have websites. I made many phone calls looking for breeders that had blue BSH kittens coming. Many breeders had a long wait list or absurd prices that made no sense.

I finally met the perfect breeder “BKH vom Utigerhof” in early 2009 after a year of searching. They were an elderly couple that had a big farm house and owned many award-winning BSH cats. When I first visited, they didn’t have any blue kittens but they still had some Silver Shaded BSH kittens available. I fell in love with them! In Switzerland, most catteries will not sell you a cat unless you promise they will have a feline companion. I reserved one Silver Shaded kittens and added myself to the waitlist for the next blue kitten to become available.

May 11, 2009: Alasdair is born

In mid-May 2009 I received a call from the breeder informing me that their latest litter indeed included one blue kitten and that I could come meet them to see if I wanted to go ahead with the purchase.

Alasdair was exactly 2 weeks old when I first held him in my hands. I was so nervous and excited, I forgot to take any pictures!

Fun fact: I had originally asked for a female cat. Alasdair’s litter initial was going to be “S” and the name I choose for the cat’s documents was Shyama. After I learned that I was going to get a boy instead, the breeder never asked me what the boy name should be so his pedigree still says Shyama 🤭

Alasdair and Byron came home with me on August 8, 2009.

While they had both lived in the same house, they had never actually met! Alasdair was 6 weeks younger and much smaller and he was very scared. He mostly hid in the bedroom for the first few days. He also kept looking for his feline mommy.

Byron was more sociable and confident and immediately felt comfortable, which intimidated Alasdair. Alasdair immediately became my little baby 🩵